FitLabPGH Lab Lessons 38:23 Make The Outdoors More Pleasant for All

Labrador Lesson for 9/24/23:

Make the Outdoors Pleasant for All.

The Labs have 3 recommendations for dog owners to help everyone (with or without a dog) enjoy spending time outside this Fall. 1. Pick up after your dog. No one wants to see 💩 on the trail (or field, or playground…). 2. Obey the leash laws. Keeping your dog on a leash in public places allows others, who may be afraid of dogs, to enjoy being outside. Leashing your dog also helps keep your dog safe. Left to their own devices, dogs may make bad decisions…like running in front of a car, chasing a wild animal, or eating something dangerous. 3. Even if your dog is on-leash and friendly, not everyone wants to meet him/her, so for the comfort of all involved, keep your dog close when you’re around people you don’t know.

Move more. Move often. Move with your dog. Take a tip from the Labs: do your part to make the outdoors pleasant for all. And keep your dogs close to keep them safe.