Moving2Live Presents Movement is a Lifestyle on PTCT7 – Show #7 – Larry Gioia, Side’aht Pickleball

On our most recent episode of the Movement is a Lifestyle show, we sat down with Larry Gioia, Founder and Head Instructor, of Side-art Pickleball, to talk about the explosive growth of pickleball in our region and and across the country!

We covered a lot of ground in our short time together! We talked about …
🏓 The history of the sport
🏓 What makes pickleball so approachable?
🏓 Innovation and evolution of the game
🏓 Some predictions as to what’s coming
🏓 The ‘why’ behind Side’aht Pickleball
🏓 Pickleball as a sport for ALL ages + abilities
🏓 Where Larry foresees the sport going in the future
If any of these topics interest you, we invite you to listen in!

Thanks to Peters Township Community Television!