FitLabPGH Lab Lessons 19:24 It’s All About the Dogs

Labrador Lesson from FitLabPGH:

It’s All About the Dogs.

You may have a plan when you go out for a walk, hike, or run that includes a certain pace. If you’re moving with dogs, remember to factor their comfort into your plan. If you have a dog who doesn’t love heat (or who isn’t acclimated to heat), a fast run on a hot Spring day is not a good idea. Of course, don’t risk your safety trying to keep up with your dog! And don’t risk your dog’s health asking him/her to keep up with you.

Move more. Move often. Move with your dogs. Stay safe.


FitLabPGH Lab Lessons 18:24 Don’t Let “Bad” Weather Keep You Inside

Labrador Lesson from FitLabPGH:

Don’t Let “Bad” Weather Keep You Inside.

We all have different definitions of “bad” weather. For the Labradors, a snowy walk means best day ever. The humans at FitLab prefer warmer, drier conditions, but the Labs remind us to get outside…even on a chilly, drizzly, foggy morning. Safety first: we DO let thunderstorms 🌩️ keep us inside. But if it’s safe to get outside, we leash the Labs and get moving.

Move more. Move often. Whether you’re a dog or a human, don’t let less than ideal weather keep you inside.


FitLabPGH Lab Lessons 17:24 Show Some Perseverance

Labrador Lesson from FitLabPGH:

Show Some Perseverance.

Sometimes your movement plans get disrupted…when they do, keep moving. Our first attempt to hike the Meadow Mountain Trail in Deep Creek Lake State Park was thwarted by thunderstorms. Attempt number two was cut short because Lisa forgot to bring water on an unexpectedly warm day. The third attempt was a success, and we’re now including this trail in our regular movement routine. If at first you don’t succeed, try, and try again…and again.

Move more. Move often. Show perseverance with your movement.


FitLabPGH Lab Lessons 16:24 Include Your Dogs In Your Spring Adventures

Labrador Lesson from FitLabPGH:

Include Your Dogs in Your Spring Adventures.

Spring is a great time to get outside for long hikes, bike rides, and runs. The Labradors would like to remind you that your dogs also like to participate in Spring adventures. If your activity of choice isn’t dog friendly, consider adding a shorter dog walk to that day’s agenda. If your outdoor activity IS dog friendly, remember to bring dog snacks and water if necessary.

Move more. Move often. Include your dogs in your Spring adventures.

FitLabPGH Lab Lessons 14:24 Dog Walk Essentials

Labrador Lesson from FitLabPGH:

Dog Walk Essentials.

The Labradors rely on their “staff” for planning and executing their movement activities. They would like to share their top 3 essentials for dog walks. 1. Leashes and collars (so the staff doesn’t wander off). 2. 💩 bags (leave no trace). 3. A positive attitude…meaning a dog walk is all about the Labs…not about Ben’s Strava achievements.

Move more. Move often. When you move with dogs, put their needs first.


FitLabPGH’s Movement Tips & Labrador Lessons 13:24

FitLabPGH promotes #movementisalifestyle with weekly movement tips & a Lab Lesson aka learn from the Labradors.

This week the Labs say – Explore New Places to Move

Our Movement Tips: Get Ready for Spring Cycling & Make Movement a Priority


FitLabPGH Lab Lessons 12:24 Leash Your Humans

Labrador Lesson from FitLabPGH:

Leash Your Humans.

When the Labs get outside to walk with their human staff, they make sure to keep the human on a leash. Their top 3 reasons for keeping Ben on a leash? 1. To keep Ben from getting distracted and wandering off. 2. Some people/dogs don’t appreciate an unleashed human running up to greet them. 3. To keep Ben safe (no darting off into traffic).

The #1 goal when you move outside is to get home safely. Move more. Move often. If you’re a dog moving outside, leash your human so that you all get home safely.


FitLabPGH Lab Lessons 11:24 If You Eat Crap, You May Feel Like Crap

Labrador Lesson from FitLabPGH:

If you eat crap 💩 you may feel like crap.

The Labs enjoy quality dog food and healthy snacks…they also have a tendency to eat whatever temptations they find on the ground, including, but not limited to, rabbit poop, deer 💩, sticks, acorns, and stink bugs…when they consume too many of these found objects, their digestive systems don’t function well…that was the case for Maggie last week after she foraged a few too many acorns on our hike. While Maggie has recovered, she wanted to share this lesson with our human followers because they’ve heard humans occasionally eat food (or consume beverages) that we know won’t agree with our systems, then whine when we don’t feel our best.

Whether you have 2 legs or 4, consider what you put in your mouth, and how those foods or beverages are likely to impact your body. No judgment here…sometimes you REALLY want the ice cream…even if you’re lactose intolerant…just know that what you consume has a direct impact on how you feel.

FitLabPGH’s Movement Tips & Labrador Lessons 10:24

FitLabPGH promotes #movementisalifestyle with weekly movement tips & a Lab Lesson aka learn from the Labradors.

This week the Labradors say “Don’t Let Life Get in the Way of Movement”

Our Movement Tips: Label Less/Move More & Make Time to “Noodle” More


FitLabPGH Lab Lessons 10:24 Don’t Let “Life” Get in the Way of Movement

Labrador Lesson from FitLabPGH:

Don’t let “life” get in the way of movement.

Big changes are happening at FitLabPGH…we’re hiking in new places (this is Savage River State Forest in Garrett County, MD)…we’re setting up a new HQ…and a new name (stay tuned for FitLabDCL)…busy, busy 😹. The Labs are here to remind us, and you, that when life gets busy, it’s important to make time to move. Movement helps keep the Labs calm…and helps the humans manage stress.

Move more. Move often. Remember some movement is better than no movement…and ALL movement is better with Labradors.