FitLabPGH Lab Lessons 10:24 Don’t Let “Life” Get in the Way of Movement

Labrador Lesson from FitLabPGH:

Don’t let “life” get in the way of movement.

Big changes are happening at FitLabPGH…we’re hiking in new places (this is Savage River State Forest in Garrett County, MD)…we’re setting up a new HQ…and a new name (stay tuned for FitLabDCL)…busy, busy 😹. The Labs are here to remind us, and you, that when life gets busy, it’s important to make time to move. Movement helps keep the Labs calm…and helps the humans manage stress.

Move more. Move often. Remember some movement is better than no movement…and ALL movement is better with Labradors.


FitLabPGH Lab Lessons 8:24 Make Time to Play

Labrador Lesson from FitLabPGH:

Make Time to Play.

As Labradors, we make time to play every day…whether we’re wrestling in the living room, having zoomies in the backyard, or hiking with our humans, we enjoy our movement and play time.

We understand that humans sometimes get caught up in “crushing” their movement or workout goals, but we encourage you to take a tip from us…make time to play. Whether you have 2 legs or 4, it’s easier to make movement part of your lifestyle if movement feels less like work and more like play!


FitLabPGH Lab Lessons 7:24 Don’t Wait for Perfect Weather to Get Moving

Labrador Lesson from FitLabPGH:

Don’t wait for perfect weather to get moving.

“Perfect” weather for the Labradors is below freezing with plenty of snow. If we waited for those “perfect” conditions, we’d get about 4 walks a year. So the Labs, and their staff, adapt to conditions and keep moving year-round.

Move more. Move often. Have fun with your movement. Remember to take breaks for chin scratches, belly rubs, and the occasional pup cup.

FitLabPGH Lab Lessons 6:24 Resolutions Check-In

Labrador Lesson from FitLabPGH:

2024 Resolutions Check-In.

The Labradors don’t make New Year’s Resolutions. If something in their routine needs to be changed, their humans make the change right away. But if you made New Year’s resolutions this year, now is a good time to check in. We’re just over a month into 2024. Are your resolutions realistic given your life (responsibilities, schedule, etc…)? Are your resolutions designed to improve YOUR quality of life or were they shaped by pressure from your peers or social media? If your resolutions aren’t working for you, change them!

Move more. Move often. Move for yourself. Move with your dogs. Have a happy, healthy, movement-filled 2024.


FitLabPGH Lab Lessons 5:24 Share the Trail

Labrador Lesson from FitLabPGH:

Share the Trail.

We haven’t moved to another hemisphere; this is a never-before-released Labrador Lesson from October 2023. The message from the Labs: don’t interfere with other trail users. Whether we’re walking, running, or shooting videos, we stay aware of our surroundings, so that our actions don’t interfere with the ability of other trail users to enjoy the trail. We give plenty of space when passing others (or being passed by runners or cyclists), and when we’re stopped, we step completely off the trail. Little actions can make a big difference in making the trails an enjoyable place to move.

Move more. Move often. Share the trail by not interfering with the activities of other trail users.


FitLabPGH Lab Lessons 4:24 Be Patient with Your Movement Practice

Labrador Lesson from FitLabPGH:

Be patient with your movement practice.

Whether you’re waiting to achieve a movement goal, or waiting for snow, try to be patient. We know; easier said than done. The Labradors have been desperately waiting for significant snowfall, and it’s finally here. They couldn’t be happier!

Move more. Move often. Remember: achieving movement goals takes time. Be patient.


FitLabPGH Lab Lessons 3:24 Embrace New Adventures

Labrador Lesson from FitLabPGH:

Embrace New Adventures.

If you’re interested in trying new movement activities in 2024, but you’re nervous about new adventures, enlist a trusted friend (or an experienced instructor) to be your guide. Last week, the Labs joined us on a road trip to explore the new FitLab HQ in Garrett County, MD. They loved playing in the snow and meeting new people. They were a bit anxious in the new house, but they weren’t scared because they trust their humans (aka, the Staff) to keep them safe.

Move more. Move often. Recruit a trusted friend (or instructor) and embrace new movement adventures in 2024.


FitLabPGH Lab Lessons 2:24 Rest is NOT a “Bad” Word

Labrador Lesson from FitLabPGH:

Rest Is Not a “Bad” Word.

Rest has 4 letters, but it’s NOT a “bad” word. Rest and recovery are essential to an active, healthy lifestyle. Make time to rest. Enjoy your rest days without guilt. Your rest days will allow you to move more in the future. Last Wednesday, the labs enjoyed a rest day, complete with oatmeal baths at the Tractor Supply “spa.” They resumed their regular movement routine on Thursday, clean and energized.

Move more. Move often. Incorporate rest and recovery into your movement routine.

FitLabPGH Lab Lessons 1:24 Happy New Year. Move More in 2024.

Labrador Lesson from FitLabPGH:

Happy New Year. Move More in 2024.

The Labradors don’t make New Year’s Resolutions. If something in their routine needs to be changed, their humans make the change right away. But if you’re looking for a resolution for 2024, consider resolving to Move More.

Move more. Move often. Move with your dogs. Have a happy, healthy, movement-filled new year.

FitLabPGH Lab Lessons 52:23 Merry Christmas. Make Movement Part of Your Celebration.

Labrador Lesson from FitLabPGH:

Merry Christmas. Make Movement part of your celebration.

It’s the holiday season, between the good food, time with friends & family, and watching sports, make time to move. And if you have dogs, include them in your movement activities. Remember: movement is good for humans AND dogs. Plus, tired dogs are happy, well-behaved dogs.

Move more. Move often. Move with your dogs. Have a happy, healthy, movement-filled holiday season.