FitLabPGH Lab Lessons 17:23 Share the Space

Labrador Lesson for 4/21/23:

Share the Space.

As Labradors, we love to move outside year-round. We’ve noticed that in the Spring, we have more encounters with other park/trail users as outdoor spaces get are more crowded than they are in the Winter. We encourage you to have fun outside, but remember to be aware of your surroundings, especially of other people and dogs. Not all people want to meet your dog…and not all dogs are friendly. Leaving an extra buffer of space allows everyone to enjoy moving outside.

Whether you have 2 legs or 4, Spring is a great season to #getoutside and get moving. When you do, share the space, so that we can all enjoy our outdoor adventures.


FitLabPGH’s Movement Tips & Lab Lessons Week 16 of ’23

FitLabPGH brought to you by Moving2Live promotes the ethos #movement is a lifestyle, not just an activity with 3 movement tips a week and a Lab Lesson aka learn from the Labradors.

This week the Labs remind us to Be Present for Your Pets

Our movement tips: it’s OK to #becautious what’s your #movementgoal & #havefun when you move

FitLabPGH Lab Lessons 16:23 Be Present for Your Pets

Labrador Lesson for 4/14/23;

Be Present for Your Pets.

As Labradors, we’re happy anytime we get outside for a walk/run/hike…but we’ve noticed some humans don’t pay attention to their dogs when they’re in the park or on the trails. If you are more focused on your phone or your workout than your dogs, this message is for you. When you take us out for a movement session, that movement session is about our health and happiness. Stay alert. Be aware of dangers (things we can eat, wild animals, off-leash dogs, hot weather). Shorten our leashes, take breaks, or cut short the movement session as needed to keep us safe. Please. Thank you.

Whether you have 2 legs or 4, you get more out of a movement session if you stay safe and healthy! And from what we can see, humans would get more benefit from moving if they turned off their devices and focused on being present.

FitLabPGH’s Movement Tips & Lab Lessons Week 15 of ’23

FitLabPGH brought to you by Moving2Live promotes the ethos #movement is a lifestyle, not just an activity with 3 movement tips a week and a Lab Lesson aka learn from the Labradors.

This week the Labs remind us Human Treats Aren’t For Dogs

Our movement tips: #Frustration happens- just keep moving, #movement doesn’t need labels & movement doesn’t need to be cool

FitLabPGH Lab Lessons 15:23 Human Treats Aren’t for the Dogs

Labrador Lesson for 4/7/23;

Human treats aren’t for the dogs.

As Labradors, we will eat anything…whether or not it is likely to make us sick. We know that humans often have food-based gatherings of friends and family during the Spring (Ramadan, Passover, Easter, and more), so we want to remind you to keep an eye on your celebratory food. Dropped food isn’t the only risk, as some dogs are counter-surfers and others have feline friends to knock food off the counter for them. A trip to the emergency vet can ruin your holiday celebration (even if we fully recover).

Whether you have 2 legs or 4, enjoy your holiday celebrations, but make sure your 4-legged friends don’t get too close to harmful human treats.


FitLabPGH’s Movement Tips & Lab Lessons Week 14 of ’23

FitLabPGH brought to you by Moving2Live promotes the ethos #movement is a lifestyle, not just an activity with 3 movement tips a week and a Lab Lesson aka learn from the Labradors.

This week the Labs give us 3 #springsafety reminders w their #LabLessons

Our movement tips: #explore this spring #overcome obstacles- spring edition & remember to #hydrate

FitLabPGH Lab Lessons 14:23 Spring Safety Reminders

Labrador Lesson for 3/31/23;

Spring Safety Reminders.

As Labradors, we love to move outside year-round. We’ve noticed that in the Spring, we have more encounters with wildlife…and with other park/trail users. Here are our top 3 Spring Safety Reminders. 1. Beware of harmful wildlife (e.g., skunks 🦨 or porcupines). 2. Watch out for off-leash dogs…even if the owner promises the dog is friendly. 3. Resist the urge to approach/pet an unknown dog without the owner’s permission.

Whether you have 2 legs or 4, Spring is a great season to #getoutside and get moving. When you do, take simple precautions today, so that you can keep moving tomorrow.

FitLabPGH’s Movement Tips & Lab Lessons Week 13 of ’23

FitLabPGH brought to you by Moving2Live promotes the ethos #movement is a lifestyle, not just an activity with 3 movement tips a week and a Lab Lesson aka learn from the Labradors.

This week the Labs went on vacation to “celebrate” Spring…they kept on moving and will be back with another lesson next week.

Our movement tips: #takeawalk & catch up w a friend, #makeexcuses to #move & #maketime to move

Nick Baldwin, Bike Fitter, Endurance Coach, Former Professional Triathlete

Nick Baldwin (in his own words): Former professional triathlete turned father!

Show Notes: Nick Baldwin, contact info:

Links mentioned in the Podcast:

Dr. Kate Baldwin (PhD): Physiotherapist. Exercise and Sport Scientist. PhD examining strength training in long-distance triathletes.

Check out the Moving2Live Podcast episode featuring Kate Baldwin, released May 11, 2022; link to podcast:

Brian Stover, Accelerate3 Coaching

Contact Info for Moving2Live:

Web: Moving2Live

Twitter: @_mov2liv

Instagram: @_mov2liv

Check out our sister podcast Fitness Lab Pittsburgh– FitLabPGH

Attribution for Intro/Exit Podcast Music:
 Travel Light by Jason Shaw from the album Audionautix: Acoustic, licensed under an Attribution 3.0 United States License. Available at


FitLabPGH’s Movement Tips & Lab Lessons Week 12 of ’23

FitLabPGH brought to you by Moving2Live promotes the ethos #movement is a lifestyle, not just an activity with 3 movement tips a week and a Lab Lesson aka learn from the Labradors.

This week the Labs remind us to Play Safely

Our movement tips: #justmove throughout the day, find your #perfect place to move & #springishere visit your local #bikeshop