Moving2Live Presents Movement is a Lifestyle on PTCT7 – Show #10 – Mike Schultz, Highland Training

The latest episode of Movement is a Lifestyle on Peters Township Community Television features Mike Schultz of Highland Training. Thanks to the staff & students for making it happen and to our guest, Mike Schultz for taking time to talk about how to become a stronger, faster cyclist. Mike offered tips for cycling/training through the winter and guidance on whether hiring a coach is right for you. If improving your cycling is on your to do list, check out for endurance coaching!

FitLabPGH Lab Lessons 42:22 You Don’t Need Technology to Move

Labrador Lesson for 10-20-22:

The Labs once again asked Ben to be their spokesperson to tell you a dog is a part of your family. Check out the video, or just read their wise words.

You don’t need technology to move.

As Labradors, we make movement part of our lifestyle. All we need for our daily walks are collars, leashes, and a willing human. We understand that you humans love technology, but technology is NOT essential for movement. As Labs, we don’t have Strava accounts, and we don’t track our macros in MyFitnessPal or LoseIt. But we DO move on a regular basis and eat high-quality food.

Whether you have 2 legs or 4, remember you don’t need technology to move. If you like to track (and share) your movement sessions and your food log, that’s great, but if you’d rather keep your movement sessions to yourself, that’s great too. And if you experience a technical glitch, and your movement session isn’t recorded by Strava…it still counts!!! So move more. Move often. And remember, you don’t need technology to make movement part of your lifestyle.

Visit for tips, hacks, and podcasts to help you get moving and keep moving through 2022!




FitLabPGH Lab Lessons 41:22 Dogs Are Not Accoutrements

Labrador Lesson for 10/13/22:

Dogs are not accoutrements.

The Labs once again asked Ben to be their spokesperson to tell you a dog is a part of your family. Check out the video, or just read their wise words. When you take your dog for a walk/run/hike, remember to take into account your dog’s needs. A Movement session with a dog is NOT all about you. Engage with your dog. Let the dog set the pace. If your dog loves to walk in the rain, you are going to get wet. You won’t melt. Move More. Move Often. Move with your dogs.

Visit for tips, hacks, and podcasts to help you get moving and keep moving through 2022!




FitLabPGH Lab Lessons 40:22 Be Proactive About Your Health

Labrador Lesson for 10/6/22:

Be proactive about your health.

The Labs wanted to talk about being proactive about creating a healthy lifestyle. They asked Ben to help out with the lesson…check out the video…or just read along for the essentials. Get your annual exam and recommended shots from your vet/doctor. If you have a cut, sprain, or other injury, consult a qualified medical professional. Eat real food. Move on a regular basis. The Labs prefer moving on most days to longer, “crush it” movement sessions on the weekends. Take home message: keep it simple, but be proactive – eat real food; move more; and visit a medical professional when needed.

Visit for tips, hacks, and podcasts to help you get moving and keep moving through 2022!




FitLabPGH Lab Lessons 39:22 Dog Walk Essentials

Labrador Lesson for 9/29/22:

Dog Walk Essentials.

The Labs wanted to share the essentials for a safe, fun dog walk. They asked Ben to help out with the lesson…check out the video…or just read along for the essentials. The most essential element is an engaged human, who is focused on the dogs! After that, the labs suggest you include the following items: 1. A stylish collar (the labs like climbing rope). 2. A sturdy, colorful leash (again, climbing rope is great). 3. Snacks (depending on distance/duration). 4. Water (depending on temperature). 5. A First Aid Kit.

The Labs believe in making movement a lifestyle, so, whether you have 2 legs or 4, gather the essentials, get outside, and get moving.

Visit for tips, hacks, and podcasts to help you get moving and keep moving through 2022!




Moving2Live Presents Movement is a Lifestyle on PTCT7 – Show #8 – Frank Velasquez, Jr., ATC, CSCS

Our latest episode of Movement is a Lifestyle features Frank Velasquez, Jr., ATC, CSCS, Director of Sports Performance at Allegheny Health Network. As youth sports are in full swing for Fall, we sat down with Frank to discuss injury prevention, signs of overtraining, and strategies to help youth athletes improve performance without increasing the risk of injury or burnout. We also talked about how Allegheny Health Network Sports Medicine and Performance can help with injury prevention, training programs, and rehabilitation from injuries. We hope you enjoy this episode.

Moving2Live Presents Movement is a Lifestyle on PTCT7 – Show #7 – Larry Gioia, Side’aht Pickleball

On our most recent episode of the Movement is a Lifestyle show, we sat down with Larry Gioia, Founder and Head Instructor, of Side-art Pickleball, to talk about the explosive growth of pickleball in our region and and across the country!

We covered a lot of ground in our short time together! We talked about …
🏓 The history of the sport
🏓 What makes pickleball so approachable?
🏓 Innovation and evolution of the game
🏓 Some predictions as to what’s coming
🏓 The ‘why’ behind Side’aht Pickleball
🏓 Pickleball as a sport for ALL ages + abilities
🏓 Where Larry foresees the sport going in the future
If any of these topics interest you, we invite you to listen in!

Thanks to Peters Township Community Television!

Moving2Live Presents Movement is a Lifestyle on PTCT7 – Show #6 – Meredith Wille, Steel City Canine Rehabilitation & Sports Medicine


After a summer of logistical delays, we’re back with a new episodes of Movement is a Lifestyle on Peters Township Community Television – check out our conversation with Meredith Wille of Steel City Canine Rehabilitation & Sports Medicine because Movement is a Lifestyle for those with 2 AND 4 legs! Steel City Canine Rehabilitation & Sports Medicine offers rehabilitation programs for dogs with injuries, and healthy pet programs to help prevent injuries and maintain or improve your dog’s health. Check out the episode today!

Kate Baldwin, PhD, Physiotherapist and Exercise and Sport Scientist

Kate Baldwin (in her own words): Physiotherapist. Exercise and Sport Scientist. PhD examining strength training in long-distance triathletes. Created own physiotherapy and exercise clinic based on the philosophy that ‘movement is medicine’

Show Notes: Kate Baldwin, contact info:





Links mentioned in the Podcast:

Don Moxley has been interviewed 3 times on the Moving2Live Podcast. His first interview was released in 2 parts on 4/4/18 and 4/18/18 (Train, Recover, Win & Ohio State University Wrestling); link to Part 1:

The second interview was released on 12-12-18 (Cannabinoids and Recovery); link:

The third interview was released on 12-16-20 (Longevity and Personal Mission Statement); link:

Contact Info for Moving2Live:
Web: Moving2Live


Twitter: @_mov2liv

Instagram: @_mov2liv


Listen to podcasts on YouTube

Check out our sister podcast Fitness Lab Pittsburgh– FitLabPGH

Attribution for Intro/Exit Podcast Music:
 Travel Light by Jason Shaw from the album Audionautix: Acoustic, licensed under an Attribution 3.0 United States License. Available at

Snacks That Keep Us Moving – FitLabPGH Video Podcast

This week’s FitLabPGH Podcast release is a video podcast providing a look inside the FitLabPGH Snack Bin. This is what WE use to fuel our 60-90+ minute movement sessions…primarily hiking, biking, and running. If you are looking for individual advice on nutrition and food choices, we STRONGLY encourage you to consult a registered dietician.

Listen to the audio, or enjoy the Labradors and cats in the video podcast.

What is Ben looking for in a movement snack? It should be able to be stored in a pocket or pack; it is approximately 100 calories; and it doesn’t upset his stomach. For Ben, that means no stevia, monk fruit extract, or sugar alcohols. Everyone’s body is different. Experiment to find what works for you. When in doubt? Consult a registered dietician. The goal is to get outside, enjoy moving, and avoid the dreaded mid-workout bonk/crash/insert your favorite term here.

So here’s the current inventory of our Snack Bin:

  • Baby food – pear, mango, spinach (Lisa has not endorsed this option)
  • Mini Clif Bars – chocolate chip or crunchy peanut butter
  • Whole Wheat Fig Bars from (individually wrapped for convenience)
  • Trail Mix – make your own, or head to Trader Joe’s
  • Sport Beans (Lisa’s favorite cycling snack). Want to save money? Buy Jelly Belly jelly beans
  • Honey Stinger mini waffles (warning: they may crumble in a pocket or pack)
  • Skratch Labs Energy Chews – Sour Cherry (2 “warnings” – they contain caffeine and they get sticky when temps get too warm)
  • Papa Steve’s No Junk Raw Protein Bars – vegan and whey protein options, many flavors, all “real food” ingredients
  • Infinit Nutrition Performance Coffee Cold Brew protein powder, a.k.a., protein for coffee lovers

Take home message: get outside, enjoy moving, and pack snacks to fuel your movement session. Even if you’re planning a fairly short session, be prepared…you never know when a hike or bike ride might become an outdoor adventure.

Contact Info for FitLabPGH:

Twitter: @fitlabpgh

Instagram: @fitlabpgh

We update via Facebook too!!

Movement Tips and Lifestyle Hacks – YouTube channel (posted on Instagram too)

Check out our sister podcast Moving2Live concise but interesting podcasts for the movement and exercise professional and amateur aficionado.


