Home Gym Ideas or Hacks- video podcast- part 1

The Moving2Live and FitLabPGH Podcasts are doing something a little different this week. We’re bringing you video podcasts to help make movement part of your at-home lifestyle. Whether you’re exercising from home for the first time, or looking for a few hacks to make your home fitness space more functional, we hope today’s tips will help you create a home that encourages you to move more.

Link to Video podcast part 1: Home Gym Ideas or Hacks part 1- video podcast

Link to Video podcast part 2 (on FitLabPGH podcast): Home Gym Ideas or Hacks part 2- video podcast

Home Hack 1: Hang a suspension trainer in your living room…ok, mostly joking about that one (although we DO have a set of gymnastic rings in our living room)…but if you have a dedicated workout space or a garage gym, a suspension trainer is a great addition to your home resistance training routine. Look for products from https://www.trxtraining.com or https://monkii.co or https://www.roguefitness.com or others. Added bonus: many suspension trainers, including those from TRX and Monkii, have door-mount options that make them travel friendly for hotel room workouts (for when we are free to travel again). If your space, or the person with whom you share your space, prohibits a suspension trainer…

Home Hack 2: Collect a variety of small, weighted tools and toys that allow you to craft at-home resistance training sessions. Look for: medicine balls, a steel mace (or 2), or RMT clubs from https://www.weckmethod.com – Looking for instruction on the use of your new tools? Consider booking an online session with a certified personal trainer or certified strength and conditioning specialist…or look for online videos…a few places to look: for steel mace ideas, look to @onnit and @Mr. MaceMan on Instagram. For RMT club ideas, look to @WeckMethod on Instagram. Added bonus for small tools and toys: you can stash them out of sight and break them out whenever you have time to squeeze in a movement session. Today’s message: you don’t need to make a large money or space commitment to move more at home, but if you DO want to make a bigger investment…

Home Hack 3: Dedicate a space to be your home fitness place. ONE of our dedicated spaces includes: a Rogue Pro Oblique Flexor (also great for back extension work); a Rogue Box Squat Box; and a set of adjustable dumbbells with a rack. Added bonus of a dedicated space: you might be inspired to move more every time you see it! One more tool to consider, whether or not you have a dedicated space: Indian Clubs. We suggest you start with a pair of light (1-2lb) clubs, available on Amazon…ready to move on to heavier clubs? Check out https://www.onnit.com

Do you have tips for creating a home fitness space or home movement routine? Please share with us in the comments. Check FitLabPGH (link below), our sister podcast Sunday (3/29) for more home fitness hacks!

Moving2Live is committed to providing concise but interesting podcasts for the movement and exercise professional and amateur aficionado. We are a podcast about movement. We are for people who understand that movement is part of what makes your life complete. Check out www.moving2live.com

Contact Info for Moving2Live:
Web: Moving2Live

Email: mov2liv@gmail.com

Twitter: @_mov2liv

Instagram: @_mov2liv


Listen to podcasts on YouTube

Check out our sister podcast Fitness Lab Pittsburgh– FitLabPGH

Attribution for Intro/Exit Podcast Music:
 Travel Light by Jason Shaw from the album Audionautix: Acoustic, licensed under an Attribution 3.0 United States License. Available at www.FreeMusicArchive.org



Make Movement Part of Your Working-From-Home Routine

The Moving2Live and FitLabPGH Podcasts are doing something a little different this week. We’re bringing you a video podcast to help make movement part of your working-from-home routine.

Whether you’re faced with working from home for the first time, or looking for a few hacks to make your home office more functional for your body, we hope today’s tips will help you create a home office space that encourages proper posture and regular movement.  You can listen to the audio of the podcast…or click the link to listen and watch…let us know what you think!!

Link to Video podcast: Make Movement Part of Your Working-From-Home Routine

Tip 1: Consider a standing desk. If you’re not ready to commit to a VariDesk (now Vari – https://www.vari.com ) experiment with books, blocks, or boxes to raise your keyboard and monitor to the proper heights. For keyboard placement, you’re looking for elbows at a 90 degree angle (or greater), and a neutral wrist position.

Tip 2: Experiment with a wobble board or other unstable surface. A few to try: a) The Level from Fluidstancehttps://fluidstance.com – designed for standing desks. One caution, if you have pets in your office space, watch out for pinched paws or noses. b) Pono Ola wobble boardhttps://ponoola.com – you sway on inflated orbs – pet paws and noses are safe. c) SandDune Stepperhttps://www.sanddunestepper.com available at RogueFitness.com https://www.roguefitness.com/the-sanddune-power-stepper – different densities of foam create an unstable surface – plus it’s a fun fitness tool.

Tip 3: Tame the time you spend standing (or sitting) still. Set a timer and take a micro-movement break every 15 to 30 minutes…even a few seconds of shoulder rolls may help keep your body and mind fresh!

What are your top tips for working from home? Please share with us in the comments!

For more healthy lifestyle ideas and inspiration, check out the FitLabPGH podcast – we release a new episode (almost) every Sunday at www.FitLabPGH.com and on Spotify and YouTube – see the website for subscription options, and check out the archives…with over 140 episodes (and counting) to choose from, they might lead you to your new favorite activity. Movement is a Lifestyle, not just an activity…and make sure you wash your hands!

Contact Info for Moving2Live:
Web: Moving2Live

Email: mov2liv@gmail.com

Twitter: @_mov2liv

Instagram: @_mov2liv


Listen to podcasts on YouTube

Check out our sister podcast Fitness Lab Pittsburgh– FitLabPGH

Attribution for Intro/Exit Podcast Music:
 Travel Light by Jason Shaw from the album Audionautix: Acoustic, licensed under an Attribution 3.0 United States License. Available at www.FreeMusicArchive.org


John Monteleone, CSCS, CSPS, EP-C, TPI-Certified- Wyomissing Fitness and Training

John Monteleone (in his own words): My personal training and exercise prescription are designed specifically to accomplish my clients’ health and fitness goals. I specialize in functional training, core strengthening, injury prevention, and weight loss management. My exercise prescriptions are created within the ACSM and NSCA guidelines for clients looking to improve overall quality of health and or sport performance. Establishing and reinforcing positive lifestyle changes is at the cornerstone of my training philosophy. Over 10 years of experience in the health/fitness industry.

Show Notes:
John Monteleone, CSCS, CSPS, EP-C, TPI-Certified, contact info:
E-mail: John@wyofitclubs.com

Website: https://www.wyofitness.com

Facebook (WyoFitness): https://www.facebook.com/WyoFitness/

Facebook (John): https://www.facebook.com/john.monteleone.940

Instagram (WyoFitness): https://www.instagram.com/wyomissingfitness/

Instagram (John): https://www.instagram.com/cardialeone/

Links mentioned in the Podcast:
Penn State University, University Park, PA

The North Club, State College, PA

Fitness After 50, by John Monteleone

National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM)

National Strength & Conditioning Association (NSCA)

American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)

American Council on Exercise (ACE)

Start with Why by Simon Sinek

Toastmasters International

Square 1 System

Contact Info for Moving2Live:
Web: Moving2Live

Email: mov2liv@gmail.com

Twitter: @_mov2liv

Instagram: @_mov2liv


Listen to podcasts on YouTube

Check out our sister podcast Fitness Lab Pittsburgh– FitLabPGH

Attribution for Intro/Exit Podcast Music:
 Travel Light by Jason Shaw from the album Audionautix: Acoustic, licensed under an Attribution 3.0 United States License. Available at www.FreeMusicArchive.org




Aaron Hale- Extra Ordinary Delights

A 14yr veteran of both the Navy and Army, SSG Aaron Hale was blinded by an IED in 2011. Aaron became an EOD instructor, motivational speaker, mountain climber, kayaker, and marathon runner. Four years later tragedy struck again when Aaron contracted bacterial meningitis, which robbed him of his hearing leaving him completely deaf also. Again, Aaron got up, dusted off, and continued to chase life’s challenges. Today, he’s back speaking and sharing his story, running marathons, a proud husband and father of a nine year old son and newborn identical twins, and runs a thriving chocolate company with his wife.

Show Notes:
SSG Aaron Hale, contact info:
E-mail: Eodaclayhale@gmail.com

Website: https://www.eodfudge.com

Twitter: https://twitter.com/eodconfections

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EODconfections/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eodconfections/

Links mentioned in the Podcast:

Commander Sam Brasfield, US Navy

Check out the Moving2Live Podcast episode featuring Commander Sam Brasfield, released 9/18/18;Link: http://www.moving2live.com/2019/09/18/commander-sam-brasfield-us-navy/

Justin Matejcek, Veterans Adventure Group

Check out the Moving2Live Podcast episode featuring Justin Matejcek, released 10/16/19; Link: http://www.moving2live.com/2019/10/16/justin-matejcek-veterans-adventure-group/

Veterans Adventure Group, Skydive Ultra Run, January 2020

Extreme Ownership, by Jocko Willink

Erik Weihenmayer, First blind person to summit Mt. Everest

Lonnie Bedwell, Extreme sports athlete, kayaker, blind military veteran

Keys 100 Ultramarathon Races, May 16-17, 2020

Badwater 135 – World’s Toughest Foot Race, July 6-8, 2020

Contact Info for Moving2Live:
Web: Moving2Live

Email: mov2liv@gmail.com

Twitter: @_mov2liv

Instagram: @_mov2liv


Listen to podcasts on YouTube

Check out our sister podcast Fitness Lab Pittsburgh– FitLabPGH

Attribution for Intro/Exit Podcast Music:
 Travel Light by Jason Shaw from the album Audionautix: Acoustic, licensed under an Attribution 3.0 United States License. Available at www.FreeMusicArchive.org



Jay Dawes, PhD- teaching service & research at the Oklahoma State University

Jay Dawes, PhD, CSCS,*D, NSCA-CPT,*D, FNSCA, ASCA-Level 2, ACSM-HFS, ISAK-L1, is an Assistant Professor of Applied Exercise Science at Oklahoma State University. His emphasis is on human performance optimization for the tactical athlete. He has worked as a strength/performance coach, personal trainer, educator, and post-rehabilitation specialist for over 20 years.

In addition to his teaching and research, Jay also coaches and consults with several law enforcement, fire, and military groups. His primary research interests are improving and measuring performance for tactical athletes/first responders, and athletes. He is certified by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) as a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist with Distinction, an NSCA-Certified Personal Trainer with Distinction, and a Tactical Strength and Conditioning-Facilitator; the American College of Sports Medicine as a Clinical Exercise Specialist (CES); and is recognized by the Australian Strength and Conditioning Association as a Level 2 Strength and Conditioning Coach. Additionally, Dawes has been a Fellow of the NSCA since 2009.

Show Notes:
contact info:
E-mail: jay.dawes@okstate.edu

Twitter: https://twitter.com/drjaydawes

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jay.dawes.7

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dawesjay

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jay-dawes-18429746/

Moving2Live previously interviewed Jay Dawes in October 2017 (Part 1 released 10/25/17; Part 2 released 11/8/17).  Here’s the link to Part 1: http://www.moving2live.com/2017/10/25/podcast-09-17-jay-dawes/

Links mentioned in the Podcast:
Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK

Jillian Joyce, PhD, RD

Contact Info for Moving2Live:
Web: Moving2Live

Email: mov2liv@gmail.com

Twitter: @_mov2liv

Instagram: @_mov2liv


Listen to podcasts on YouTube

Check out our sister podcast Fitness Lab Pittsburgh– FitLabPGH

Attribution for Intro/Exit Podcast Music:
 Travel Light by Jason Shaw from the album Audionautix: Acoustic, licensed under an Attribution 3.0 United States License. Available at www.FreeMusicArchive.org



Repost: RockstarFit-Natalie Dau aka @rockstararms part 2

Moving2Live originally released this interview on October 31, 2018.  If you missed Part 1 of our interview with Natalie Dau, here’s the link: http://www.moving2live.com/2018/10/17/podcast-3818-rockstart-fit-natalie-dau-aka-rockstararms-part-1/

Show Notes: Natalie Dau, contact info:
E-mail: media@nataliedau.com

Website: https://www.nataliedau.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rockstararms

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rockstararms/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/rockstararms

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nataliedau/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2AvkONRyaKkTBaZuspZ8Fw

Links mentioned in the Podcast (Part 2):
The Daily Escape

Stacy Sims, PhD

check out the Moving2Live Podcast episodes featuring Stacy Sims, PhD, released 5/30/18 and 6/13/18.
Link to Part 1: 

Rockstar Fit App

Sport Singapore


Contact Info for Moving2Live:
Web: Moving2Live

Email: mov2liv@gmail.com

Twitter: @_mov2liv

Instagram: @_mov2liv


Listen to podcasts on YouTube

Check out our sister podcast Fitness Lab Pittsburgh– FitLabPGH

Attribution for Intro/Exit Podcast Music:
 Travel Light by Jason Shaw from the album Audionautix: Acoustic, licensed under an Attribution 3.0 United States License. Available at www.FreeMusicArchive.org



Repost- Dr Ian Dunican, PhD- Sleep4Performance & Melius Consulting, part 2

Moving2Live originally released this interview on January 30, 2019.  If you missed Part 1 of our interview with Dr. Dunican, here’s the link: http://www.moving2live.com/2019/01/16/podcast-319-dr-ian-dunican-phd-sleep4perdformance-melius-consulting/

Dr. Ian C. Dunican, PhD (in his own words):
I have over 20 years international professional experience in health, safety and improvement within military, mining, rail, oil and gas, and other utilities. Combining scientific research and operational leadership, I support organisations in reducing risk, lowering cost and optimising productivity and performance. I have applied Lean/Six Sigma and other scientific methodologies in significant projects to drive step-change improvement in performance, whilst ensuring sustainability through associated culture change. In the mining, oil and gas sectors, I have worked internationally as an advisor to major companies including BHP, Anglo Gold Ashanti, South 32, Karara Mining, Peabody and Goldcorp. I have been responsible for the development of global practices, integration and project management across multiple product groups. This has entailed the quantification, analysis and interpretation of multiple data streams to support health, safety, financial strength and productivity. 

Currently I am the Director of Melius Consulting/Sleep4Performance. I received a PhD from the University of Western Australia (UWA) working with elite athletes and sporting organisations to optimise performance. I am a highly sought researcher, having worked with Olympic and elite athletes at the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) and West Australian Institute of Sport (WAIS), and with professional teams in Super Rugby, Basketball, Australian Rules Football (AFL) and martial arts (judo, boxing, grappling). A regular speaker/chair at universities and international conferences in mining, transport, sports performance and physiology, I regularly contribute articles to media outlets such as the Australian Financial Review, The Australian, Men’s Fitness, Blitz Martial Arts, BJJ Scout and Huffington Post. I have spoken on the Health Report on ABC radio in Australia, ABC radio national and numerous podcasts. Also I have appeared on ABC television, Channel 7, 9 and 10 in Australia, and was a TEDx Perth speaker in 2017. 

I am author and co-author of numerous technical reports, scientific articles and industry guidelines, and I am a regular reviewer for scientific peer reviewed journals. I host Sleep4Performance Radio, a podcast dedicated to education, knowledge sharing and promotion of the value of managing sleep. Through my website www.sleep4performance.com.au, I provide blogs, resources and research on all aspects of sleep, recovery and performance. An active sportsman, I have completed over 20 ultramarathons to date including the Ultra Trail Australia 100km (7 times), Leadville 100 miler, numerous marathons and trail running events. I hold a brown belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and enjoy cross training with bodyweight exercises and Kettlebells. My current focus is improving my swimming in order to undertake long distance open water swimming events.

Show Notes:
Ian C. Dunican, PhD, Contact info:
E-mail: ian.dunican@meliusconsulting.com.au

Websites: https://meliusconsulting.com.au


LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-ian-c-dunican-ph-d-115b0a14/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sleep4perform/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/sleep4perform


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sleep4perform/

Links mentioned in the Podcast (Part 2):
Dr. Amy M. Bender, PhD, Senior Research Scientist, Calgary Counselling Centre,Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Leadville Race Series, Leadville, CO, Includes Leadville Trail 100 Run

Fatigue Science, Vancouver, BC, Canada, Maker of Readiband Wearable Device

American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM)

Oura Ring (Sleep and Activity Tracker)

Contact Info for Moving2Live:
Web: Moving2Live

Email: mov2liv@gmail.com

Twitter: @_mov2liv

Instagram: @_mov2liv


Listen to podcasts on YouTube

Check out our sister podcast Fitness Lab Pittsburgh– FitLabPGH

Attribution for Intro/Exit Podcast Music:
 Travel Light by Jason Shaw from the album Audionautix: Acoustic, licensed under an Attribution 3.0 United States License. Available at www.FreeMusicArchive.org



Repost- Jenny Ploss- Physical Therapist -Langford Sports & Physical Therapy & MovNat part 2

  • As part of our December theme to “Move More,” we are re-releasing Part 2 of our interview with Dr. Jenny Ploss, PT who works with a range of orthopedic clients at Langford Sports & Physical Therapy in Albuquerque. She graduated in 2012 from the University of New Mexico with a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree after studying biology and playing collegiate soccer at the University of California at Davis.

Jenny believes her job as a physical therapist extends beyond helping clients overcome pain and disability. She believes the ultimate goal of any fitness or healthcare professional should be to help each client find an enjoyable way to keep moving well as long as possible in order to maintain a higher quality of life, greater independence, and the ability to explore and enjoy life.

Jenny is an avid rock climber, and also loves to backpack, run, and bike. In 2016, Jenny was introduced to MovNat through a colleague, and has adopted these natural movement patterns as a way to maintain her fitness and movement skills so that she is better prepared for higher level skills and competitions. She loves using these movements with her clients, and truly believes that natural movement is a more sustainable way of keeping your body healthy and reducing risk of injury.

This episode was originally released on October 24, 2018.  Part 1 of our interview with Dr. Jenny Ploss, PT, was released on October 10, 2018; here’s the link: http://www.moving2live.com/2018/10/10/podcast-3718-jenny-ploss-physical-therapist-langford-sports-physical-therapy-movnat-part-1/

Show Notes: Jenny Ploss, PT, DPT, contact info:
E-mail: jenny@langfordpt.com

Website (Langford Sports & Physical Therapy): https://langfordpt.com

Website (MoveTru at Langford): https://www.movetruabq.com

Facebook (Langford Sports & PT):

Facebook (MoveTru at Langford):

Instagram (MoveTru at Langford):

Instagram (Personal Page): https://www.instagram.com/jennyploss/

Twitter (MoveTru at Langford): https://twitter.com/movetruabq

Twitter: (Langford PT): https://twitter.com/LangfordPT

Links mentioned in the Podcast (Part 2):
MovNat – Natural Movement

Parkour – International Parkour Federation

“Why Natural Movement is Therapy” Blog Post by Jenny Ploss, PT, DPT

Contact Info for Moving2Live:
Web: Moving2Live

Email: mov2liv@gmail.com

Twitter: @_mov2liv

Instagram: @_mov2liv


Listen to podcasts on YouTube

Check out our sister podcast Fitness Lab Pittsburgh– FitLabPGH

Attribution for Intro/Exit Podcast Music:
 Travel Light by Jason Shaw from the album Audionautix: Acoustic, licensed under an Attribution 3.0 United States License. Available at www.FreeMusicArchive.org



Stacy Sims, PhD- Applied Researcher, Innovator & Entrepreneur- re-release part 2

Moving2Live originally released this podcast episode on June 13, 2018.  As we approach the end of the year and people start considering resolutions for the new year/begin training programs we think this is valuable info to share.

Stacy T. Sims, PhD, is currently a Senior Research Scientist at the University of Waikato after returning to academia from a 6-year hiatus in industry. She is an applied researcher, innovator and entrepreneur in human performance, specifically sex differences in training, nutrition, and environmental conditions.

Prior to being launched into industry, she served as an exercise physiologist and nutrition scientist at Stanford University from 2007 to 2012, where she specialized in sex differences of environmental and nutritional considerations for recovery and performance, specializing in women’s health and performance.  With the unique opportunities Silicon Valley has to offer, during her time at Stanford, she had the opportunity to translate earlier research into consumer products and a science-based layperson’s book written to explain sex differences in training and nutrition across the lifespan. Both the consumer product companies and the book challenged the existing dogma for women in exercise, nutrition, and health outcomes.

Her contributions to the international research environment and the sports nutrition industry has established a new niche in sports nutrition; and established her reputation as the expert in sex differences in training, nutrition, and health.  As a direct result, she has been named as one of the top 50 visionaries of the running industry (2015), one of the top 40 women changing the paradigm of  her field (2017), one of the top four visionaries in the outdoor sport industry (2017), and one of the top four individuals changing the landscape in triathlon nutrition (2017).

A regular featured speaker at professional and academic conferences, including those hosted by USOC, HPSNZ, and USA cycling, she resides in Mount Maunganui with her husband and young daughter.

Show Notes:
Stacy T. Sims, PhD, contact info:
E-mail: stacy.sims@gmail.com

Twitter: https://twitter.com/summerstack

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drstacysims/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/drstacysims/

Links mentioned in the Podcast (Part 2):
The University of Waikato, New Zealand

ROAR: How to Match Your Food and Fitness to Your Unique Female Physiology for Optimum Performance, Great Health, and a Strong, Lean Body for Life Paperback – July 5, 2016 by Stacy Sims (Author), Selene Yeager  (Author)


High Performance Sport New Zealand

Don Moxley- Sport Scientist,

check out the Moving2Live episodes featuring Don Moxley, released 4/4/18 and 4/18/18
Link to Part 1http://moving2live.blubrry.com/2018/04/04/podcast-14-18-don-moxley-train-recover-win-osu-wrestling/

Leslie Bonci, MPH, RD, CSSD

check out our sister podcast FitLabPGH featuring Leslie Bonci, released 9/3/17
Link: http://fitlabpgh.blubrry.com/2017/09/03/podcast-36-18-leslie-bonci/

Contact Info for Moving2Live:
Web: Moving2Live

Email: mov2liv@gmail.com

Twitter: @_mov2liv

Instagram: @_mov2liv


Listen to podcasts on YouTube

Check out our sister podcast Fitness Lab Pittsburgh– FitLabPGH

Attribution for Intro/Exit Podcast Music:
 Travel Light by Jason Shaw from the album Audionautix: Acoustic, licensed under an Attribution 3.0 United States License. Available at www.FreeMusicArchive.org



Sean Pastuch DC- Active Life

Dr. Sean used his passion for fitness and his chiropractic education to build a company called Active Life that has helped thousands of people from around the world to get out of pain without going to the doctor or missing the gym. Active Life has continued their mission to Humanize the doctor, professionalize the coach, and empower the individual by educating almost a thousand coaches in the same time period.

Show Notes: Dr, Sean Pastuch, Active Life, Contact Information:
E-mail: drsean@gmail.com

Website: https://www.activelifeprofessional.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/activeliferx/



Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/activeliferx/


Links mentioned in the Podcast:
Eric Malzone, Fitness Professional Online, and Podcast Host

Check out the Moving2Live episodes featuring Eric Malzone, released 8/7/18 and 8/22/18; link to Part 1: http://www.moving2live.com/2018/08/07/podcast-29-18-eric-malzone-fitness-professional-online-part-1/

Dr. Stuart McGill, PhD

Barefoot Rehab, Dr. Chris, DC,  Denville, NJ

Dr. William Brady, DC Integrative Diagnosis

Dr. Kelly Starrett, DPT


Dr. Corey Duvall, Stay Active Clinic

Diagnosis and Treatment of Movement Impairment Syndromes
By Shirley Sahrmann, PT, PhD, FAPTA

National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA)

National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM)

Athletics and Fitness Association of America (AFAA)


Aaron Mattes Stretching Seminars

Contact Info for Moving2Live:
Web: Moving2Live

Email: mov2liv@gmail.com

Twitter: @_mov2liv

Instagram: @_mov2liv


Listen to podcasts on YouTube

Check out our sister podcast Fitness Lab Pittsburgh– FitLabPGH

Attribution for Intro/Exit Podcast Music:
 Travel Light by Jason Shaw from the album Audionautix: Acoustic, licensed under an Attribution 3.0 United States License. Available at www.FreeMusicArchive.org