Home Gym Ideas or Hacks- video podcast part 2

The FitLabPGH and Moving2Live Podcasts are doing something a little different this week. We’re bringing you a pair of video podcasts to help make movement part of your at-home lifestyle. Part 1 was published on Wednesday 3/25/20. This is Part 2. Whether you’re exercising from home for the first time, or looking for a few hacks to make your home fitness space more functional, we hope today’s tips will help you create a home that encourages you to move more.
Link to Video podcast Part 2: Home Gym Ideas or Hacks part 2
Link for Video podcast Part 1 (on Moving2Live podcast): Home Gym Ideas or Hacks part 1
Home Hack 1: Dedicate a space to be your home fitness place. ONE of our dedicated spaces is a “Mobility” room and includes: a SandDune Stepper, available at https://www.roguefitness.com ; a balance board or wobble board (search Google or Amazon); a foam roller; and a closet dowel turned mobility stick. Added bonus of a dedicated space: you might be inspired to move more every time you see it! If you’re looking for garage gym inspiration, check out Luke Koval, https://www.instagram.com/one_o.a.k/ on Instagram, and Richard Walters, https://www.instagram.com/richarda.walters/ on Instagram.
Home Hack 2: Turn your backyard or patio into a movement annex. Collect a variety of small, weighted tools and toys that allow you to craft at-home resistance training sessions. Look for: kettlebells and Indian Clubs. Looking for instruction for kettlebells? Check out Brett Jones of StrongFirst, https://www.instagram.com/brettjonessfg/ and https://www.instagram.com/strongfirst/  on Instagram. Added bonus for small tools and toys in the backyard: you can get some fresh air and movement at the same time. Plus, if you have dogs, it gives you something to do while the dogs do their business.
Home Hack 3: Build a jungle gym in the backyard…ok, like gymnastic rings in the living room, this isn’t for everyone…but if you have the space…our DIY jungle gym lets us channel our inner American Ninja Warriors. It gives us a place to “hang around” and a place to hang a suspension trainer. Take home message: the more movement tools you have at your disposal, the easier it is to make movement part of your lifestyle…especially when quarantined.
Final thought: if you’re starting or modifying a movement routine, don’t overdo it! Listen to your body, rest when you need to rest, and consider a consult with a qualified profession for guidance and injury prevention.
Do you have tips for creating a home fitness space or home movement routine? Please share with us in the comments. For movement ideas and inspiration, check out the FitLabPGH Podcast at www.FitLabPGH.com and on Spotify and YouTube. With over 140 episodes, and counting, it might lead you to your new favorite activity.
Contact Info for FitLabPGH:
Email: fitlabpgh@gmail.com
Twitter: @fitlabpgh
Instagram: @fitlabpgh
We update via Facebook too!!
Movement Tips and Lifestyle Hacks – YouTube channel (posted on

Home Gym Ideas or Hacks- video podcast- part 1

The Moving2Live and FitLabPGH Podcasts are doing something a little different this week. We’re bringing you video podcasts to help make movement part of your at-home lifestyle. Whether you’re exercising from home for the first time, or looking for a few hacks to make your home fitness space more functional, we hope today’s tips will help you create a home that encourages you to move more.

Link to Video podcast part 1: Home Gym Ideas or Hacks part 1- video podcast

Link to Video podcast part 2 (on FitLabPGH podcast): Home Gym Ideas or Hacks part 2- video podcast

Home Hack 1: Hang a suspension trainer in your living room…ok, mostly joking about that one (although we DO have a set of gymnastic rings in our living room)…but if you have a dedicated workout space or a garage gym, a suspension trainer is a great addition to your home resistance training routine. Look for products from https://www.trxtraining.com or https://monkii.co or https://www.roguefitness.com or others. Added bonus: many suspension trainers, including those from TRX and Monkii, have door-mount options that make them travel friendly for hotel room workouts (for when we are free to travel again). If your space, or the person with whom you share your space, prohibits a suspension trainer…

Home Hack 2: Collect a variety of small, weighted tools and toys that allow you to craft at-home resistance training sessions. Look for: medicine balls, a steel mace (or 2), or RMT clubs from https://www.weckmethod.com – Looking for instruction on the use of your new tools? Consider booking an online session with a certified personal trainer or certified strength and conditioning specialist…or look for online videos…a few places to look: for steel mace ideas, look to @onnit and @Mr. MaceMan on Instagram. For RMT club ideas, look to @WeckMethod on Instagram. Added bonus for small tools and toys: you can stash them out of sight and break them out whenever you have time to squeeze in a movement session. Today’s message: you don’t need to make a large money or space commitment to move more at home, but if you DO want to make a bigger investment…

Home Hack 3: Dedicate a space to be your home fitness place. ONE of our dedicated spaces includes: a Rogue Pro Oblique Flexor (also great for back extension work); a Rogue Box Squat Box; and a set of adjustable dumbbells with a rack. Added bonus of a dedicated space: you might be inspired to move more every time you see it! One more tool to consider, whether or not you have a dedicated space: Indian Clubs. We suggest you start with a pair of light (1-2lb) clubs, available on Amazon…ready to move on to heavier clubs? Check out https://www.onnit.com

Do you have tips for creating a home fitness space or home movement routine? Please share with us in the comments. Check FitLabPGH (link below), our sister podcast Sunday (3/29) for more home fitness hacks!

Moving2Live is committed to providing concise but interesting podcasts for the movement and exercise professional and amateur aficionado. We are a podcast about movement. We are for people who understand that movement is part of what makes your life complete. Check out www.moving2live.com

Contact Info for Moving2Live:
Web: Moving2Live

Email: mov2liv@gmail.com

Twitter: @_mov2liv

Instagram: @_mov2liv


Listen to podcasts on YouTube

Check out our sister podcast Fitness Lab Pittsburgh– FitLabPGH

Attribution for Intro/Exit Podcast Music:
 Travel Light by Jason Shaw from the album Audionautix: Acoustic, licensed under an Attribution 3.0 United States License. Available at www.FreeMusicArchive.org



Make Movement Part of Your Working-From-Home Routine

The FitLabPGH and Moving2Live Podcasts are doing something a little different this week. We’re bringing you a video podcast to help make movement part of your working-from-home routine.
Whether you’re faced with working from home for the first time, or looking for a few hacks to make your home office more functional for your body, we hope today’s tips will help you create a home office space that encourages proper posture and regular movement.  You can listen to the audio of the podcast…or click the link to listen and watch…let us know what you think!!
Link to Video podcast: Make Movement Part of Your Working-From-Home Routine
Tip 1: Consider a standing desk. If you’re not ready to commit to a VariDesk (now Vari – https://www.vari.com ) experiment with books, blocks, or boxes to raise your keyboard and monitor to the proper heights. For keyboard placement, you’re looking for elbows at a 90 degree angle (or greater), and a neutral wrist position.
Tip 2: Experiment with a wobble board or other unstable surface. A few to try: a) The Level from Fluidstance – https://fluidstance.com – designed for standing desks. One caution, if you have pets in your office space, watch out for pinched paws or noses. b) Pono Ola wobble board – https://ponoola.com – you sway on inflated orbs – pet paws and noses are safe. c) SandDune Stepper – https://www.sanddunestepper.com available at RogueFitness.com https://www.roguefitness.com/the-sanddune-power-stepper – different densities of foam create an unstable surface – plus it’s a fun fitness tool.
Tip 3: Tame the time you spend standing (or sitting) still. Set a timer and take a micro-movement break every 15 to 30 minutes…even a few seconds of shoulder rolls may help keep your body and mind fresh!
What are your top tips for working from home? Please share with us in the comments!
For more healthy lifestyle ideas and inspiration, check out the FitLabPGH podcast – we release a new episode (almost) every Sunday at www.FitLabPGH.com and on Spotify and YouTube – see the website for subscription options, and check out the archives…with over 140 episodes (and counting) to choose from, they might lead you to your new favorite activity. Movement is a Lifestyle, not just an activity…and make sure you wash your hands!
Contact Info for FitLabPGH:
Email: fitlabpgh@gmail.com
Twitter: @fitlabpgh
Instagram: @fitlabpgh
We update via Facebook too!!
Movement Tips and Lifestyle Hacks – YouTube channel (posted on Instagram too)
Did you know FitLabPGH partners with Zihmer Law Firm for a Movement is a Lifestyle television show on PTCT7- available on YouTube- Movement is a Lifestyle
Fill out our FitLabPGH Features form to be a FitLabPGH featured mover…or fill one out for your 4 legged movement partner (dog, cat, goat or horse!!)
Check out our sister podcast Moving2Live concise but interesting podcasts for the movement and exercise professional and amateur aficionado.
Attribution for Intro/Exit Podcast Music:
Marathon Man by Jason Shaw from the album Audio…

Make Movement Part of Your Working-From-Home Routine

The Moving2Live and FitLabPGH Podcasts are doing something a little different this week. We’re bringing you a video podcast to help make movement part of your working-from-home routine.

Whether you’re faced with working from home for the first time, or looking for a few hacks to make your home office more functional for your body, we hope today’s tips will help you create a home office space that encourages proper posture and regular movement.  You can listen to the audio of the podcast…or click the link to listen and watch…let us know what you think!!

Link to Video podcast: Make Movement Part of Your Working-From-Home Routine

Tip 1: Consider a standing desk. If you’re not ready to commit to a VariDesk (now Vari – https://www.vari.com ) experiment with books, blocks, or boxes to raise your keyboard and monitor to the proper heights. For keyboard placement, you’re looking for elbows at a 90 degree angle (or greater), and a neutral wrist position.

Tip 2: Experiment with a wobble board or other unstable surface. A few to try: a) The Level from Fluidstancehttps://fluidstance.com – designed for standing desks. One caution, if you have pets in your office space, watch out for pinched paws or noses. b) Pono Ola wobble boardhttps://ponoola.com – you sway on inflated orbs – pet paws and noses are safe. c) SandDune Stepperhttps://www.sanddunestepper.com available at RogueFitness.com https://www.roguefitness.com/the-sanddune-power-stepper – different densities of foam create an unstable surface – plus it’s a fun fitness tool.

Tip 3: Tame the time you spend standing (or sitting) still. Set a timer and take a micro-movement break every 15 to 30 minutes…even a few seconds of shoulder rolls may help keep your body and mind fresh!

What are your top tips for working from home? Please share with us in the comments!

For more healthy lifestyle ideas and inspiration, check out the FitLabPGH podcast – we release a new episode (almost) every Sunday at www.FitLabPGH.com and on Spotify and YouTube – see the website for subscription options, and check out the archives…with over 140 episodes (and counting) to choose from, they might lead you to your new favorite activity. Movement is a Lifestyle, not just an activity…and make sure you wash your hands!

Contact Info for Moving2Live:
Web: Moving2Live

Email: mov2liv@gmail.com

Twitter: @_mov2liv

Instagram: @_mov2liv


Listen to podcasts on YouTube

Check out our sister podcast Fitness Lab Pittsburgh– FitLabPGH

Attribution for Intro/Exit Podcast Music:
 Travel Light by Jason Shaw from the album Audionautix: Acoustic, licensed under an Attribution 3.0 United States License. Available at www.FreeMusicArchive.org


Meredith Wille , LVT, CCRP, CCFT- Steel City Canine Rehabilitation & Sports Medicine

Steel City Canine Rehabilitation & Sports Medicine is Pittsburgh’s only stand-alone pet rehabilitation center. We interviewed Meredith Wille LVT, CCRP, CCFT, who manages the facility. Meredith has been in the veterinary field since 1988. A lifelong learner, she has continued her education beyond a Licensed Veterinary Technician: in 2017 she earned her designation as a Certified Canine Rehabilitation Practitioner (CCRP) from the University of Tennessee. She is also a Certified Canine Fitness Trainer (CCFT) and is currently pursuing certification in pain management (CVPM). Learn more about Steel City Canine Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine at https://steelcityk9rehab.com
Show Notes:
 Meredith Wille LVT, CCRP, CCFT – contact info:
Website: https://steelcityk9rehab.com
E-mail: steelcityk9rehab@gmail.com
Phone: 412-837-2047
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SteelCityK9Rehab/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/steelcityk9rehab/
Links mentioned in the Podcast:
University of Tennessee Certified Canine Rehabilitation Practitioner Program
Pets in Harmony Veterinary Hospital, Harmony, PA
Canine Rehabilitation Institute
Wizard of Paws, Colchester, CT

Wizard of Paws Physical Rehabilitation for Animals

United Schutzhund Clubs of America
Check out the FitLabPGH Podcast episode featuring Drew Zihmer, talking about Schutzhund, released 1/20/19. Link: https://www.fitlabpgh.com/2019/01/20/podcast-319-drew-zihmer-schützhund/
Contact Info for FitLabPGH:
Email: fitlabpgh@gmail.com
Twitter: @fitlabpgh
Instagram: @fitlabpgh
We update via Facebook too!!
Movement Tips and Lifestyle Hacks – YouTube channel (posted on Instagram too)
Did you know FitLabPGH partners with Zihmer Law Firm for a Movement is a Lifestyle television show on PTCT7- available on YouTube- Movement is a Lifestyle
Fill out our FitLabPGH Features form to be a FitLabPGH featured mover…or fill one out for your 4 legged movement partner (dog, cat, goat or horse!!)
Check out our sister podcast Moving2Live concise but interesting podcasts for the movement and exercise professional and amateur aficionado.
Attribution for Intro/Exit Podcast Music:
Marathon Man by Jason Shaw from the album Audionautix: Acoustic, licensed under an Attribution 3.0 United States License. Available at www.FreeMusicArchive.org




Long Term Athletic Development with Rick Howard and Tony Moreno

Rick Howard, MEd, CSCS,*D, FNSCA, is a doctoral candidate at Rocky Mountain University in Health Promotion and Wellness. He is an Assistant Professor in Applied Sports Science at West Chester University (PA). Howard is the Director of Fitness at Wilmington (DE) Country Club, where he trains youth in fitness and sports performance. He organizes and co-leads LTAD Summits and Playgrounds nationwide, which bring local, grassroots individuals together to learn, share, and develop action and accountability plans for cradle-to-grave implementation of LTAD. He contributes articles regularly on long-term athletic development (LTAD) and the application of concepts of pediatric exercise science for coaches, personal trainers, physical education teachers, and those who wish to improve the lives of our young people. Rick is a Master’s Strongman competitor.

Moving2Live previously interviewed Rick Howard (episodes released 8/30/17 and 9/13/17); link to Part 1: http://www.moving2live.com/2017/08/30/podcast-01-17-rick-howard-part-1/

Tony Moreno, PhD CSCS*D, is Professor of Kinesiology at Eastern Michigan University and teaches courses in biomechanics and performance enhancement. For over 20 years he has served as consultant and coach educator for the Michigan High School Athletic Association and delivered sport medicine, athlete development, and performance training content for high schools throughout the State. He has authored a variety of articles and coach education materials for US Lacrosse, USA Hockey, the Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE America), and the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA). In addition, he has served as a strength and conditioning coach at both the intercollegiate and high school level, operations management and owner-operator of a fitness facility, and currently serves as President of East Lansing (MI) Youth Lacrosse Club.

Rick Howard, MEd, CSCS,*D, FNSCA, contact info:
E-mail: rihoward41@gmail.com

Website: https://youthsportfitnesscoach.com

Twitter: https://twitter.com/rihoward41

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rihoward41/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Rihoward41

Tony Moreno, PhD, CSCS, contact info:
E-mail: amoreno@emich.edu

Website: https://www.emich.edu/chhs/hphp/faculty/t_moreno.php

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TMoreno40SL

Links mentioned in the Podcast:
Larry Gioia, Dynamic Paddlers

Check out the episode of our sister podcast FitLabPGH featuring Larry Gioia, released 6/11/17; link: https://www.fitlabpgh.com/2017/06/11/podcast-26-17-dynamic-paddlers-larry-gioia/

National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA)

National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) Youth Training and Long-Term Athletic Development (LTAD) Position Statement and Resources

NSCA Long-Term Athletic Development Special Interest Group (SIG), SIG Chair: Joe Eisenmann, PhD

Jenny Ploss, PT, DPT

Check out the Moving2Live Podcast episodes featuring Jenny Ploss, PT, DPT, released 10/10/18 and 10/24/18; link to Part 1: http://www.moving2live.com/2018/10/10/podcast-3718-jenny-ploss-physical-therapist-langford-sports-physical-therapy-movnat-part-1/

MovNat – Natural Movement

XPOGO (extreme pogo sticking)

Check out the episode of our sister podcast FitLabPGH featuring Will Weiner of XPOGO, released 9/15/19; Link: https://www.fitlabpgh.com/2019/09/15/will-weiner-xpogo/

Vurtego Pogo Sticks

Amanda Visek, PhD, FUN MAPS

Contact Info for Moving2Live:
Web: Moving2Live

Email: mov2liv@gmail.com

Twitter: @_mov2liv

Instagram: @_mov2liv


Listen to podcasts on YouTube

Check out our sister podcast Fitness Lab Pittsburgh– FitLabPGH

Attribution for Intro/Exit Podcast Music:
 Travel Light by Jason Shaw from the album Audionautix: Acoustic, licensed under an Attribution 3.0 United States License. Available at www.FreeMusicArchive.org


Niki Campbell- The Flourish Group

Niki Campbell is the owner of The Flourish Group, a consulting firm with a passion for food, fitness, health and wellness. Flourish offers wellness consulting and coaching to both individuals and companies as well as marketing and PR services for companies in the health and wellness industries. She started her journey to be healthier in 2014 after being diagnosed with two autoimmune conditions and learning about the importance of food and fitness to overall wellness. She is an ACE-Certified Personal Trainer, Health Coach and Weight Management Specialist and will complete a degree in dietetics this year through CCAC.
Show Notes: Niki Campbell – contact info:
E-mail: niki@theflourishgroup.net
Website: https://www.theflourishgroup.net
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheFlourishGroup/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theflourishgroup/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/coachniki/
Links mentioned in the Podcast:
Reed & Co, Pittsburgh, PA (Lawrenceville)
Valerie Beichner, Executive Director, Venture Outdoors


Check out the FitLabPGH Podcast episode featuring Valerie Beichner of Venture Outdoors, released 12/8/19. Link: https://www.fitlabpgh.com/2019/12/08/valerie-beichner-venture-outdoors-exeecutive-director/
Slippery Rock University, Slippery Rock, PA
Dr. Ian Dunican, PhD
Check out the episodes of our sister podcast Moving2Live featuring Dr. Ian Dunican, PhD, released 1/16/19 and 1/30/19. Link to Part 1: http://www.moving2live.com/2019/01/16/podcast-319-dr-ian-dunican-phd-sleep4perdformance-melius-consulting/
Commander Sam Brasfield, US Navy
Check out the episode of our sister podcast Moving2Live featuring Commander Sam Brasfield, released 9/18/18; Link: http://www.moving2live.com/2019/09/18/commander-sam-brasfield-us-navy/
ACE Fitness
Dr. David Lobur, MD, Pittsburgh Center for Functional Medicine
Check out the FitLabPGH Podcast episode featuring Dr. Lobur, MD, released 6/16/19. Link: https://www.fitlabpgh.com/2019/06/16/david-lobur-md-squirrel-hill-family-wellness-center/
Grace Kosko – Movement should not be a burden
Check out the FitLabPGH Podcast episode featuring Grace Kosko, released 2/9/20. Link: https://www.fitlabpgh.com/2020/02/09/grace-kosko/
Samantha Wood, PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS
Check out the episodes of our sister podcast Moving2…

John Monteleone, CSCS, CSPS, EP-C, TPI-Certified- Wyomissing Fitness and Training

John Monteleone (in his own words): My personal training and exercise prescription are designed specifically to accomplish my clients’ health and fitness goals. I specialize in functional training, core strengthening, injury prevention, and weight loss management. My exercise prescriptions are created within the ACSM and NSCA guidelines for clients looking to improve overall quality of health and or sport performance. Establishing and reinforcing positive lifestyle changes is at the cornerstone of my training philosophy. Over 10 years of experience in the health/fitness industry.

Show Notes:
John Monteleone, CSCS, CSPS, EP-C, TPI-Certified, contact info:
E-mail: John@wyofitclubs.com

Website: https://www.wyofitness.com

Facebook (WyoFitness): https://www.facebook.com/WyoFitness/

Facebook (John): https://www.facebook.com/john.monteleone.940

Instagram (WyoFitness): https://www.instagram.com/wyomissingfitness/

Instagram (John): https://www.instagram.com/cardialeone/

Links mentioned in the Podcast:
Penn State University, University Park, PA

The North Club, State College, PA

Fitness After 50, by John Monteleone

National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM)

National Strength & Conditioning Association (NSCA)

American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)

American Council on Exercise (ACE)

Start with Why by Simon Sinek

Toastmasters International

Square 1 System

Contact Info for Moving2Live:
Web: Moving2Live

Email: mov2liv@gmail.com

Twitter: @_mov2liv

Instagram: @_mov2liv


Listen to podcasts on YouTube

Check out our sister podcast Fitness Lab Pittsburgh– FitLabPGH

Attribution for Intro/Exit Podcast Music:
 Travel Light by Jason Shaw from the album Audionautix: Acoustic, licensed under an Attribution 3.0 United States License. Available at www.FreeMusicArchive.org




Benjamin Stevens, DC, BSKin, CSCS, CES/PES

Dr. Benjamin Stevens has been around the health and fitness industry for more than 20 years, having dabbled personally and professionally in every corner of the market since. He now runs Canada’s largest continuing education company for movement, rehab, and healthcare professionals, while also teaching seminars, maintaining a clinical practice, and spending hours a day moving and exercising.

Show Notes:
Benjamin Stevens, DC, BSKin, CSCS, CES/PES, contact info:
E-mail: drbenstevens@gmail.com

Website: https://benjaminjstevens.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Benjuito

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr.benjamin.j.stevens/

Links mentioned in the Podcast:
Blog post: Dear Therapist, You’re Not a Strength Coach

XPOGO (extreme pogo sticking)

Check out the episode of our sister podcast FitLabPGH featuring Will Weiner of XPOGO, released 9/15/19; link: https://www.fitlabpgh.com/2019/09/15/will-weiner-xpogo/

Palmer College of Chiropractic, West Campus – San Jose, CA

Valeo Health Clinic, Kelowna, BC, Canada


Somatic Senses (Continuing Education Provider)

Dean Somerset

Check out the Moving2Live Podcast episodes featuring Dean Somerset, released 11/29/17 and 12/13/17; link to Part 1: http://www.moving2live.com/2017/11/29/podcast-13-17-dean-somerset/

Contact Info for Moving2Live:
Web: Moving2Live

Email: mov2liv@gmail.com

Twitter: @_mov2liv

Instagram: @_mov2liv


Listen to podcasts on YouTube

Check out our sister podcast Fitness Lab Pittsburgh– FitLabPGH

Attribution for Intro/Exit Podcast Music:
 Travel Light by Jason Shaw from the album Audionautix: Acoustic, licensed under an Attribution 3.0 United States License. Available at www.FreeMusicArchive.org




repost- Valerie Beichner, Executive Director, Venture Outdoors

This podcast episode was originally released in 12/8/19.
Valerie Beichner, Executive Director, Venture Outdoors: Valerie is a seasoned nonprofit management professional with a background in organizational efficiency and capacity building, fundraising, HR and more. She holds expertise in green building and green building products, sustainable corporate culture, community and economic development, advocacy and organizational leadership.  Prior to joining Venture Outdoors, Valerie served as Executive Director with Friends of the Riverfront working with partners and volunteers to protect and extend the Three Rivers Heritage Trail.  Valerie also served at Conservation Consultants Inc. as Director of Operations and Analytics as well as Green Building Alliance as Vice President of Development.  She also formerly worked at Northwest Pennsylvania Regional Planning and Development Commission facilitating a statewide energy efficiency program supporting municipalities. Valerie earned a BA in Political Science at Clarion University and a Master of Science in Organizational Leadership from RMU.
Valerie’s relationship with the outdoors started in 2014 when she and her husband began running to gain control of their health and wellness.  It was only a few short years later that they experienced a life changing adventure along the Great Allegheny Passage and C&O Canal Towpath helping their daughter raise funds for the UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh.  The 11 day journey running from Washington D.C. to Pittsburgh evolved their lives and refocused Valerie’s lifestyle, energy and career.  Now, Valerie’s passion is to help others realize the benefits of getting outdoors.
Valerie and her husband, Chris, live in Leetsdale with their four young children, their beagle, Brownie, and two cats; Peanut and Fudgie.
Show Notes: Valerie Beichner, Executive Director, Venture Outdoors, Contact Information:
E-mail: Valerie@ventureoutdoors.org
Website: https://www.ventureoutdoors.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ventureoutdoors
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ventureoutdoors/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ventureoutdoors

Links mentioned in the Podcast:
FitLabPGH Podcast previously interviewed Valerie Beichner when she was Executive Director of Friends of the Riverfront


Check out the FitLabPGH Podcast episode featuring Valerie Beichner and Friends of the Riverfront, released 3/3/19; link:
Oil Creek 100 Trail Runsz
Jim Skal, Founder, Outdoor Immersion
Check out the FitLabPGH Podcast episode featuring Jim Skal and Outdoor Immersion, released 4/8/18; link:
Jeff Smith, Co-Owner, Local 5 Longboards