FitLabPGH’s Movement Tips & Lab Lessons Week 12 of ’23

FitLabPGH brought to you by Moving2Live promotes the ethos #movement is a lifestyle, not just an activity with 3 movement tips a week and a Lab Lesson aka learn from the Labradors.

This week the Labs remind us to Play Safely

Our movement tips: #justmove throughout the day, find your #perfect place to move & #springishere visit your local #bikeshop

FitLabPGH’s Movement Tips & Lab Lessons Week 11 of ’23

FitLabPGH brought to you by Moving2Live promotes the ethos #movement is a lifestyle, not just an activity with 3 movement tips a week and a Lab Lesson aka learn from the Labradors.

For week 11 of ’23 the Labs remind us Spring is Coming. Beware of Ticks.

Our movement tips: #enjoymoving #bedrocksandals #mountainclogs #review & #movement isn’t #allornothing

FitLabPGH’s Movement Tips & Lab Lessons Week 10 of ’23

FitLabPGH brought to you by Moving2Live promotes the ethos #movement is a lifestyle, not just an activity with 3 movement tips a week and a Lab Lesson aka learn from the Labradors.

For week 10 of ’23 the Labs remind us If You Eat Crap You May Feel Like Crap

Our movement tips: #justmove #justexplore & #movement is not a #fourletterword

FitLabPGH’s Movement Tips & Lab Lessons Week 8 of ’23

FitLabPGH brought to you by Moving2Live promotes the ethos #movement is a lifestyle, not just an activity with 3 movement tips a week and a Lab Lesson aka learn from the Labradors.

For week 8 of ’23 the Labs remind us to Share The Trail With Humans

Our movement tips: use #movement to spark #creativity a walk is a great way to catch up with a friend & don’t be afraid to try



FitLabPGH’s Movement Tips & Lab Lessons Week 7 of ’23

FitLabPGH brought to you by Moving2Live promotes the ethos #movement is a lifestyle, not just an activity with 3 movement tips a week and a Lab Lesson aka learn from the Labradors.

For week 7 of ’23 the Labs remind us to Be Present 

Our movement tips: #havefun when you move #movemore control what you can & leave the trail better than you found it

FitLabPGH’s Movement Tips & Lab Lessons Week 6 of ’23

FitLabPGH brought to you by Moving2Live promotes the ethos #movement is a lifestyle, not just an activity with 3 movement tips a week and a Lab Lesson aka learn from the Labradors.

For week 6 of ’23 the Labs remind us Make Time To Play – #goodadvice from the Labradors

Our movement tips: are you counting your steps? #move at your own pace & don’t wait for a special event to #moveoutside

FitLabPGH’s Movement Tips & Lab Lessons Week 5 of ’23

FitLabPGH brought to you by Moving2Live promotes the ethos #movementisalifestyle, not just an activity with 3 movement tips a week and a Lab Lesson aka learn from the Labradors.

For week 5 of ’23 the Labs remind us Help Keep Dogs Safe

Our movement tips: #movementisfun what is the #bestmovement & #simplehacks 4 comfortable #coldweather #cycling

FitLabPGH’s Movement Tips & Lab Lessons Week 4 of ’23

FitLabPGH brought to you by Moving2Live promotes the ethos #movement is a lifestyle, not just an activity with 3 movement tips a week and a Lab Lesson aka learn from the Labradors.

For week 4 of ’23 the Labs tell us Remember to Have Fun

Our movement tips for this week make movement #social #commit to 10′ of movement & #besafe when you move #outdoors


FitLabPGH’s Movement Tips & Lab Lessons Week 3 of ’23


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FitLabPGH brought to you by Moving2Live promotes the ethos #movement is a lifestyle, not just an activity with 3 movement tips a week and a Lab Lesson aka learn from the Labradors. For week 3 of ’23 the Labs remind us Don’t … Continue reading